
Yard Sale: At the beginning of June, you’re sure to find something at St. Mark’s annual yard sale. Better yet, why not rent a table and sell some of your own items.

Barbeque, Raffles and Auction

International Food Festival: Usually the last weekend in April, this evening offers a variety of foods representing the multiculturalism of the St. Mark’s Congregation.

Portuguese Chicken Dinner: St. Mark’s annual Portuguese chicken dinner on the 3rd Saturday in June, features a lovely authentic meal with door prizes and a raffle.

Caribbean Night: In October, come out for an evening of West Indian food and entertainment.

Holly Tea: In November, St. Mark’s hosts an afternoon tea and bazaar where you can purchase a variety of donated and hand-crafted items for sale.

Christmas Eve: A wonderful way to celebrate Christmas with the family. Come sing all the familiar carols and hear the story of Christmas again.

New Year’s Eve: Come and celebrate the New Year with friends and family as we worship, share in communion and sing of God’s goodness to us all. The service begins at 7:00 pm.

Special event this Saturday, November 23rd, 2019! We are holding our afternoon tea and bazaar event! – Click here for more information. 

"Out of Many Nations, We Are One Family in Christ."