Worship & Music Committee

The music and Worship Committee is dedicated to contributing meaningful music to the worship life of St Mark’s. We work hard to prepare music that will make scripture come alive, inspire hope, lift spirits and appeal to old and young alike. We are fortunate to have many musically gifted people within the St Mark’s church family. We are often ministered to by one of our choirs, worship leaders or we often enjoy solo presentations as well.

At St Mark’s, we cherish the joy of singing! Leading us each week are three dedicated group of singers who use their gift of singing to bless the hearts and lives of worshippers:

Choirs: Five Alive, Ages 4-10

Intermediate, Ages 10-17

Senior, Ages 15 and up

The music and worship Committee at St Mark’s is dedicated to enhancing the worship life of our church, by presenting music that will inspire the congregation, and move the spirit of God within them. For more information about the various choirs and other music programming at St. Mark’s contact Jo Ann Bischoff at doubledutch@rogers.com

"Out of Many Nations, We Are One Family in Christ."